Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 930: Siren’s Call.

So this happened:


And after some inner struggle (I was really tempted to stay home and go to bed early), I went, taking that Prossh, Skyraider of Kher deck I made last night along.

(Before we go any further, if you don’t feel like reading about me playing Magic, and I’ll understand if you don’t, click here to see tonight’s sketch. Otherwise, read on.)

It did rather well; in Game 1,Prossh plus Death Match = all my opponent’s creatures are dead, and I had enough mana to replay my dragon (and all his followers) if someone decided to kill him, because who cares about kobolds?

Game 2 was a longish affair. After being left spinning in the wake of a turn 3 Havoc Festival (powered out by a Mana Flare) that left me and three-sixths of the table at 20 (two of the other sixths having died to Final Fortune and a Reverberated Disintegrate for 17, plus a swing with Zhur-taa Ancient), Prossh and his kobolds held out long enough by gumming up the ground with expendable bodies as Prossh occasionally swung through the air for Goblin Sharpshooter to show up so I could kill the last two players. Prossh lost handily in the third game (an additional game was more or less demanded), between a combination of the table semi-gunning for me, a relatively slow start, and underestimating Omnath, Locus of Mana.

I was ready to pack it up then, but the general consensus seemed to be that we should play again, despite the lateness of the hour, and I relented, switching to the Dragon Deck, thinking that I could throw out threats more quickly and efficiently (and besides, I had added two cards- Gate to the Aether and Skarrg, the Rage Pits, and wanted to see how they did), either getting myself out early or offing other players quickly.

However, the Dragon Deck sputtered and stalled with a grip full of spells that cost 6 while staring forlornly at four lands and a Chromatic Lantern. By the time I got to 6 mana, I was so far behind (and somehow without a removal spell) that it didn’t matter- my Lurking Predators triggered something like 8 times and failed to find a single dragon.


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