Tag Archives: The Affairs of Dragons
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 611: Aspect of Man.
There are few creatures called “dragon” who walk upright. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 584: The Affairs of Dragons, Part 12 of several.
“Whether there are more or not, along with any reason for discomfiture is irrelevant. The issue is that they both *exist*, and dragonkind must reconcile that.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 583: The Affaris of Dragons, Part 11 of several.
Artist’s Note: While working on this at the laundromat, a young Mexican girl (probably 8 or so) saw it and told me that I was “a good drawer.” I didn’t have the heart to tell her that the word is draftsman/woman/person, so I just thanked her and smiled. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 582: The Affairs of Dragons, Part 10 of several.
“Are there others like it, or even more aberrant… mutants from another, fouler clutch lurking in the worlds beyond?” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day online: Day 534: The Affairs of Dragons, Part 10 of several.
“Aye, *shame*. The same shame you humans feel when reminded you are little more than rutting beasts wearing the thin trappings of civilization, so were *they* shamed by remembering their *own* perceived shortcomings.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 533: The Affairs of Dragons, Part 9 of several.
“So, with all of this understood to be true, who do we call this one “Interloper?” The one who “meddles in the affairs of dragons?” Continue reading
Dragon-A-DAy Online: Day 532: The Affairs of Dragons, Part 8 of several.
“And how does one enter the Now of the Dreaming?”
“Only those who are meant to be here know, but not all of them belong here.” Continue reading